Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chapter 10

1.      What are the three dimensions where the term convergence has been applied? What does each of these areas of convergence entail?
        The three dimensions where the term convergence has been applied are Technology, content and industry.  Each of these area of convergence entail technological convergence is the development of hybrid devices that can combine the functionality of two or more existing media platforms into a single device.  Content convergence is convergence in the design, production and distribution of the content.  Industry convergence is a merger of media enterprises into into synergistic combination's that create and cross-market content on different platforms.

2.      Why has media industry convergence not occurred as rapidly as predicted? What are the five basic revenue models for online content and what is their major challenge? What will have to be done in order to overcome this obstacle to profitability?
       Media industry convergence has not occurred as rapidly as predicted because they don't want it to confuse the customers; so therefore they make it a much slower process.  The five basic revenue models for online content are marketing, advertising, pay-per-view, subscription, and mixed.  Prosecuting lawbreakers and enhancing security of online products will have to be done in order to overcome this obstacle to profitability.

3.      What four things must content provider firms do in order to generate meaningful revenues?
       Focused market, specialized content, sole-source monopoly, and high perceived net value will have to be done in order to generate meaningful revenues.
How has the Internet impacted the content that newspapers can offer?
       The Internet has impacted the content that newspapers can offer by anything can be read on the Internet for free, so why would someone pay for a newspaper.  People can even print the information off the Internet and then it would be just the same as a newspaper.

5.      What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-book content?
      An advantage of e-book content is it is easy to get to and can be easily organized on the computer; however, most people had rather have an actual book especially older people because that's what they grew up with.

6.      How has the Internet changed the packaging, distribution, marketing, and sale of traditional music tracks?
      The Internet has changed the packaging, distribution, marketing, and sale of traditional music tracks by anyone can look up any song/album online and can even burn it to a cd; however, most of the time they are marketing more of a single song that can include even the music video.

7.      What are the factors that make nontraditional distinctly Web entertainment sites so popular with users?
      The factors that make nontraditional distinctly Web entertainment sites so popular with users are customization, personalization, and easy access to anything.


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